Unified Threat Management is a common term now in computing which incorporates all aspects of security external and internal to a network. Under this umbrella are items such as:
- Antivirus Scanning
- Antispam Prevention
- AntiSpyWare Detection/Removal
- Firewall Intrusion and Detection
In order to combat the varying threats networks are exposed to both internally and externally, Prestige I.T. employs a variety of vendor products to help address these issues.
On the Desktop, Server and Network level we use Trend Micro to combat all levels of Malware.
At the gateway level, our preference is to deploy Dell Sonicwall Firewalls bundled with the Comprehensive Gateway Security Suite that has the ability to content filter, remove trojans and spyware, viruses and many other nasties.
The Dell Sonicwall device also has the ability to send it’s logs to Viewpoint monitoring software or a GMS server, which when requested to report on, gives you great insight to everything that is happening on an Internet level with regards to your business usage. This includes costing out various sets of machines,users or departments, see who’s viewing what, when and how often.
Do you really know what your staff are looking at during the day
Are you aware of the costs in downtime for your staff to be looking at real estate, reading the paper online or simply seeing what’s happening on Facebook/Twitter
Do you really want to be held accountable for not protecting what your workforce see’s on their computer screens
Do you have an acceptable Internet usage and acceptance policy to cover your business
You should, you’re obligated to do the lot and protect your business and your staff.
You spend plenty of time and money worrying about your premises security, your Internet security, workplace safety, etc – Do you even consider the greatest potential threat of all It’s worthwhile knowing what your staff are doing with your information!
Call Prestige I.T. today for a discreet no obligation free chat about your requirements.